Friday 23 March 2012


The first book of Indian author US Moinuddin, ‘Dreams, Action and Success’ has received remarkable appreciation from the public. The book was first published by Magnifique and subsequently by Prism.

A desire to feel important, a desire to have an identity of our own, a desire to become ‘successful’ in our chosen field of excellence, is predominant in all the human beings. When we talk about success, it means different things to different people. Interestingly, every individual has his own definition of success. For a tennis player it could mean winning the Wimbledon or any other Grand Slam title, for a film actor it could mean winning the Oscars, for a politician it could mean becoming the member of a parliament or the minister of a state. But beyond all our ambitions and desires, most of the people are unable to generate the results they dream of. The reason is that most of the people do not have the formula of becoming successful. In short, ‘Dreams, Action and Success’ provide its readers the recipe of becoming successful in their lives. This book caters to the needs of the young and the old and has a message for politicians, students, businessmen, house wives sports stars or any person who wants to make his life better.

The thirteen chapters of the book tackle the practical issues of day-to-day life which confront people of all age groups. In the first chapter titled 'The Beginning' the author narrates success stories of Soichiro Honda of Honda Corporation, Colonel Sanders of KFC, Narayan Murthy of Infosys, Nelson Mandela, Walt Disney and Mahatma Gandhi to name a few. The author justifies by saying, “if someone else can do it so can you.” Once the enthusiasm to read further is aroused, the second and subsequent chapters go on inspiring and providing strategies of generating successful results in our lives. The title 'Dreams, Action and Success' clearly states, every venture starts with a dream, and the dream should be accompanied by action. Finally, with your action follows success. Catchy titles of the chapters accompanied by inspiring quotes make it a very interesting read. If you want to develop a healthy relationship with people, or attain career success, or want to learn the formula of success, Dreams, Action and Success offers this and much more to the readers.

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