Monday 19 December 2011


 Saturday 10th December: The students of Magnifique English School, JHBCS Layout, Minhajnagar had a wonderful time celebrating their Annual sports meet.  Large number of people had gathered to witness the vibrant and energetic performances by the students of the school in their colourful costumes. Waves, Pyramids and Flame Throwing were superbly performed by the students of the school.

The chief guests for the event were Grand Master M.H.Abid, President of Muay Thai India and Secretary of Muai Thai Federation Asia, and Author, Educationist and Environmentalist US Moinuddin. M.H. Abid encouraging the students and stating the importance of sports said, “Many parents do not encourage their children for sports fearing that they may get diverted from their studies. But, it is observed that those who have performed well in sports have also performed well in studies.”
Acrobats of Magnifique in action
US Moinuddin   in his speech said, “Though India is the seventh largest country in the world with a population of over 121 crores we are way behind in sports in comparison with tiny countries like Korea and Japan and one primary reason is that open areas are developed into buildings to accommodate the growing population without leaving any space for playgrounds.”

 Giridhar, the sports trainer behind the success of the sporting event was honoured by the management of the school.  In the end medals and trophies were distributed by the chief guests to the winners, Managing Trustee of Magnifique Group of Educational Institutions Zulfi Malik, Principal K.N. Shankar and others were also present at the event.  

Saturday 17 December 2011


Poornima Dutt (centre), R.Guha Prasad (first from right), and the Magnifique Staff

Poornima Dutt interacting with a parent of the student
The parents and teachers meeting at Magnifique Public School was more of friendly interactions and goodwill.  Poornima Dutt, the administrator of the school energized the atmosphere with her powerful words and encouraged the parents to feel free to express their ideas and thoughts for the betterment of the institution.  R.Guha Prasad the principal of the school promised his full support in giving the best possible education to the students. He said in his speech, “We are here with a mission to impart value based education. You can approach us any time of the day for any help required for the betterment of the students.”

  Poornima Dutt emphasizing the importance of parents and teachers meetings, said, “In schools most of the problems arise as a result of poor communication between parents and teachers.  When the interaction is frequent, solutions to problems are easily found.”   In the end there were big smiles on all the faces

Monday 5 December 2011


US Moinuddin
 Saturday 3rd December:   Like every year, this year too the Magnifique Public School campus on Kanakapura road became an arena of sporting activities. Students, teachers and parents of the students enjoyed every moment of the games and sports. From hoisting of the school flag, to display of exercises and distribution of medals, trophies and certificates to the winners, the competitive spirit of sports prevailed in the atmosphere.
Dr. Vivekananda .S. Thovinakere
The chief guests for the event were Author, Educationist and Environmentalist US Moinuddin and Dr. Vivekananda.S. Thovinakere, who is also a well known Writer and Environmentalist. US Moinuddin said, “The more we participate in competitions and events the more we learn about our strengths and weaknesses.  It eventually helps us in making ourselves better for further challenges.” There were special events for the parents of the students. The men and women whole heartedly participated in the games and instantly prizes were distributed to the winners. Dr.Vivekananda interacted with the students and teachers and congratulated for their combined effort in making the event a grand success. He said, “When there is mutual respect between teachers and students, teaching and learning becomes an enjoyable process, encouraging new talents to emerge.” Zilla Panchayat member Ashwath Naik said, “Studying at the lush green Magnifique campus is a magnificent experience, learning becomes very interesting.”

Jayashree Prasad encouraging a nursery student
 Zulfi Malik, Managing trustee of Magnifique Group of Educational Institutions, Jayashree Prasad, Administrator of DAV School, R.Guha Prasad, the Principal of Magnifique Public School were also present.

Saturday 19 November 2011


 Bangalore: A landscaper turned environmentalist Janet S.K.Yegneswaran continues her quest of saving the environment by planting thousands of saplings in and around Bangalore. In the year 2005 she started “Trees for Free” in memory of her husband R.S.Yegneswaran, whose name was mentioned in the Limca Book of records for attaining the ‘most number of university degrees.’

         Bangalore was developing at an alarming rate. With the increase in population large number of buildings mushroomed across the city. Trees were being cut mercilessly to support the growing population. Janet believed that she could make a difference in everybody’s life and went around planting trees. “Initially I had to go door-to-door requesting people to plant trees in front of their house.  After 2 years of struggle, with the help of the media, people started approaching us for planting of trees,” Janet said.  Soon, many schools, colleges, government offices, hospitals and residential welfare associations began to contact her.

 As the days passed, large number of volunteers joined the organization rendering their best possible support.  As of now “Trees for Free” has planted over 30,100 saplings in and around Bangalore. If the people of the locality are willing to water and take care of the saplings the organization plants trees and also install tree guards wherever necessary.  To assist the farmers they also plant fruit yielding trees in many villages covering a distance of 100 Kms. Janet S.K.Yegneswaran is a true example of enduring commitment and courage. If you want trees to be planted for free in your locality visit

Tuesday 15 November 2011


November 14th 2011: The students of Magnifique English School celebrated Children’s day with great enthusiasm. The fancy dress competition was spectacular, followed by a fashion show by the primary and high school students. The students dressed themselves as a post box, butterflies, the tribal queen of the jungle, Kashmiri and Marwadi girls, Mahatma Gandhi, Air hostess,  Miss World, Chinese and Japanese girls, to name a few, provided a visual treat. The impressive costumes and flamboyant performances of the students made the job of the judges very tough.  

Monday 7 November 2011


US Moinuddin

“Most of the people don’t get what they want because they never had the patience to clearly define what they wanted.”
   US Moinuddin

“Never underestimate your companions. Great ideas can come from the least expected sources.”
                                    — US Moinuddin

“What you are today is the result of the decisions you made till this moment. If your life is desirable, congratulations. If not, it is never too late to make your future decisions right.”
                                    — US Moinuddin
“There is no rule that says, “If you lose today, you are a loser for life.” But if you believe that you are a loser for life, you bet you will be.”
                                          — US Moinuddin

“The results you are witnessing in your life are a product of your actions. And the series of actions which you choose are a matter of your thinking. If the results are not what you want them to be, you need to change your thinking.”
                              — US Moinuddin

“When I started taking life seriously it became a source of stress, ill health and anxiety. When I thought of it as unimportant it became a joy,
a celebration and everything seemed so wonderful.”
                                              — US Moinuddin

“When you dream, you believe. When you believe, you take action. When you take action, you succeed. When you succeed, you inspire.”
                                               — US Moinuddin

“Peace between nations is lasting when their citizens feel that people beyond their borders are no different from them.”
   US Moinuddin

“If a person’s response to you at the moment is unfriendly, his personal issues most probably burden him.”
   US Moinuddin

“ We all dream, some during the day and some during the night, but people who dream during the day are powerful, for it is they who can change the scenario of the world, for it is they who believe in a change, for it is they who believe things can happen, and for it is they who can make them happen.”
                           — US Moinuddin

“It is a rather funny situation with humans that when they take pride in their wealth soon they discover somebody wealthier. When they take pride in their beauty soon they discover somebody prettier. When they boast about their intelligence very soon they discover their ignorance. But, the limitations we experience largely stimulates us to raise our standards.”
                               — US Moinuddin

“Nature doesn’t discriminate any person; success comes bountiful to the person who works hard.”

                             — US Moinuddin

“The young man says, “Old fool doesn’t know much.” The old man says, “Young fool needs much to learn.””
                               — US Moinuddin
“The more you resist change the harder your
life becomes. The moment you begin to accept
change, the better you feel.”
                                           — US Moinuddin

If people can learn tolerance, overcome pettiness,
fanaticism and superstition a society can achieve
                         — US Moinuddin

“Spread happiness wherever you go. All it requires is a genuine smile and some pleasing words.”
                        — US Moinuddin

 “People are guided more by the fear of religion rather than the understanding of religion. Ignorance breeds fear, understanding develops
courage and encourages right actions.”
                             — US Moinuddin
“We are powerful beyond our imagination and most of our potential diminishes because of our inability to choose the right kind of thoughts.”
                                 — US Moinuddin

If your prayers are not answered at the moment do not fret. Start giving more effort, more time and more dedication to your ventures. It won’t
be long before they are answered.
                                           — US Moinuddin



5-Nov-2011: Bangalore: It was a fun filled day at the Magnifique English School campus in Bangalore South.  ETHNO, the arts and science exhibition created a strong platform for the students of the school to exhibit their artistic and creative potential. Visitors flocked in large numbers to witness the students innovative ideas put into practical use. Models of the Pyramids of Egypt, the process of generation of electricity, artistic creations with fruits and vegetables, volcanic eruptions, human anatomy, structure of cells were some of the highlights of the event.
                     The constant downpour from the early hours of morning did not dwindle the eagerness of the parents of the students who came in large numbers with their friends and relatives. ‘The House of Horrors’ created by the students of the high school was spectacular. The visitors loved it.
                   Educationist, environmentalist and author of Great Thoughts US Moinuddin who was present at the event said, “The learning process is very effective when the students are encouraged to come out with innovative ideas. Arts and science exhibitions act as a strong platform for them to express their creativity.” The Principal of the school K.N.Shankar said, “The response from the public had been tremendous. It was very encouraging to the students as well as the teachers who had worked hard from many days to make this event a grand success.”  Ajay Kamath, an architect who had visited the exhibition said, “It was a fabulous experience. In fact, I learnt a lot myself.” Managing trustee of Magnifique Group of Educational Institutions Zulfi Malik was constantly interacting and inspiring the students, she said, “We encourage the teachers to develop a good rapport with the students. This mutual respect for one another encourages the best to come out of every child.”